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Meet Charlie DiRosa

He’s a recovery safety net on a team noted for acceptance, compassion, kindness
Charlie DiRosa experiences much satisfaction in his role of Recovery Support Navigator for individuals in MiraVista Behavioral Health Center’s Opioid Treatment Program (OTP). He feels much satisfaction, too, in being part of a clinical team whose values when asked to name in three words he describes as acceptance, compassion, and kindness.

“We have acceptance for wherever anyone is in recovery when they come to our program and what they have dealt with,” Charlie said. “Our team has compassion in abundance to help those with a diagnosis of Opioid Use Disorder rebuild a better version of who they are as well as kindness that manifests in staff going above and beyond in meeting the needs of clients.”

He added among the staff’s biggest challenges can be “relighting that spark, relighting that flame in
someone’s soul.”

“A lot of times when clients come in, they are at an all-time low in their life,” Charlie said. “Our job is to encourage them in knowing they have worth and this is definitely a team effort.” He added, “We get to know our clients by name and listen to what they want at any point in recovery.” “It’s not a cookie-cutter approach, but an individualized one at MiraVista where we address what is hurting a client, as well as what their goals and hopes in recovery are for a life they desire.” MiraVista’s OTP has a process for same-day admission (Monday – Friday) without the need for a referral to easily accommodate anyone 18 and older when they are ready for Medication-Assisted Treatment with daily methadone dosing to reduce the cravings of OUD and support withdrawal. A continuum of services which include individual and group counseling to support relapse prevention and harm reduction strategies to prevent overdose are also available to further sustain pathways to recovery.

Charlie brings a background in mental health counseling and his own nine years of sobriety to his care management position of helping clients access needed resources in the community and staying connected with them in sustaining recovery.

“My role on the team ranges from helping clients who may be homeless or facing homelessness with referrals or applications for housing to getting them clothing vouchers and bus passes to figuring out with them whatever else they may need or require answers to,” Charlie said. “I am like that safety net they can rely on for navigation to be successful on their journey.”

MiraVista Recovery Services include medication treatment for other substance use. An Intensive Outpatient Program for individuals with a substance use diagnosis who do not need detoxification and have a desire for more support and education beyond outpatient counseling is offered as well. Transportation can be provided to both OTP, as well as IOP.

There is also a program conducted over 16 weeks for referrals from Mass Courts as part of the Massachusetts Impaired Driver Program. It also has Second and Multiple Offenders Aftercare Services as well. Free Narcan distribution and training is also available.

MiraVista’s OTP hours are Monday through Saturday, 5:30 a.m. to noon, and Sunday, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

For more information or to learn more about MiraVista’s Outpatient Substance Use Services, please visit www.miravistabhc.care.